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  • 杉浦 克己: ウエルネスに関わる栄養教育。日本ウエルネス学会, 第19回大会, 埼玉, 9月, 2022.
  • Katsumi SUGIURA: Taking “The Diet Fitness Course” has a favorable impact on students’ body composition. 25th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science, Virtual congress, October, 2020.
  • Katsumi SUGIURA: Survey on fluid intake history of college students majoring in sport and wellness. 23th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science, Dublin, July, 2018.
  • スポーツ食品・サプリメントの現状と未来. シンポジウム5 スポーツ栄養の新展開. 第72回日本栄養・食糧学会大会(岡山), 2018年5月12日. 発表および座長
  • ランチョンセミナー座長, 『藤田 聡, スポーツ栄養最前線~乳たんぱく質のパワーを探る~』 日本農芸化学会2015年度大会, 岡山, 3月, 2015.
  • Katsumi SUGIURA, Kensuke SAKAI, Eri TAKENAMI, Kojiro ISHII, Suguru TORII, Masaaki SUGITA: Relation Between Undesirable Eating Habits and Health-related Complaints of Elite High School Track and Field Athletes., European College of Sport Science, Amsterdam, July, 2014.
  • 菅野 惠莉子, 杉浦 克己, 岩切 佳子, 柴田 麗, 酒井 健介: 高校生ラグビー選手の食生活の現状と食事指導. 日本発育発達学会第12回大会, 大阪, 3月, 2014.
  • 発育期の食生活のサポート~目指せ!世界のトップ10―日本サッカーとスポーツ医・科学.第68回日本体力医学会大会, 東京, 9月, 2013.
  • Katsumi SUGIURA, Takayasu YAMAUCHI, Kensuke SAKAI, Kazuhiro UENISHI: The Nutritional Situation of Victims of the North-eastern Japan Earthquake., European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, July, 2013.
  • Urara SHIBATA, Katsumi SUGIURA,, Atsutane OHTA, Kensuke SAKAI: Effect of nutritional education program on adherence to desirable dietary behavior in elite adolescent football players., European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, July, 2013.
  • Katsumi SUGIURA and Kensuke SAKAI: Effect of physical education class on behavioral change of non-active university students. 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science, Liverpool, July, 2011.